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Why You Should Practice Yoga Everyday To Live a Better Life ?

"You are one YOGA class away from good mood " D o you wish to live a life free of stress and anxiety and you are able...

Why You Should Practice Yoga Everyday To Live a Better Life ?

practice yoga everyday to live a better life

"You are one YOGA class away from good mood "

Do you wish to live a life free of stress and anxiety and you are able to smile even through tough days? Well, you can achieve this by practicing yoga. The best of life is just a decision away from you to inculcate yoga practice in your everyday life.
Whether you like to say "Om" or you can’t stand the word “yogi”; whether you are 95, 56, or even 12, yoga can really help you.

practice yoga everyday to live better life

We all carry with us life disappointments and tragedies and sometimes tends to feel physically and emotionally low. Besides keeping us physically fit, yoga has the power to heal our mind and soul too. Yoga is not just about the workout, it’s about the healthy lifestyle. The practice of yoga will allow you to find stillness in a world full of chaos. It helps in relieving the stress and de-clutters the mind, helping you to become more focused.

Yoga is the exercise Based on Breath

Slow Down
Calm Down
Don’t Hurry
Love the process!!!!  

Yoga is actually breathing exercise more than anything else. Yes, it does require flexibility. Your ability to hold poses really depends upon your breathing. Regular practice of yoga will teach you to remain focused on breath and it is in the breath that calmness and focus are established. Breathing techniques yield a lot of benefits such as detoxification of the body, and the development of newer blood cells.

“You cannot always control what goes outside But you can always control what goes inside ”- yoga teaches us this lesson. Yoga is not just a workout. It is a way of life.

How long it takes to see result from yoga?

Instant Gratification
Yoga provides both instant gratification and long-lasting transformation. These two are extremely important in the world of fitness. Too much effort with very slow result can be exhausting and discouraging. Practicing yoga can change your physical and mental capacity quickly while preparing the body and mind for long-term health.

What are the equipments needed to practice yoga? 

No equipment needed
You don’t need any special equipment to practice yoga. What all you need is few square inches of space and a mat. Here’s few stretches will do wonders not only to your body but to your life.

Who can practice yoga?

Everyone and anyone can practice it
No matter what your age, gender, race, size, shape, background, and yes, even their fitness level! Yoga has something to offer everybody.

Physical and Mental Benefits of Practicing yoga

practice yoga everyday to live better life

•    Lower stress level and improves your mood-  Yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation helps to relieve stress which daily gets accumulated in your mind and body.

•    Boost confidence and self-esteem-  practicing yoga makes you strong from inside and gives a positive message of loving and accepting yourself.

•    Increases flexibility and improves muscle strength and posture-  This one is obvious. Regular practice of yoga makes the body flexible and stretching improves muscle strength and posture.

•    Helps you focus and improves your balance-  Breathing and meditative exercise calms the mind and keep the distracting thoughts away to help you focus on breathing and body postures.

•    Maintains your nervous system- while performing asanas blood flow increases and sufficient amount of oxygen reaches the whole nervous system.

•    Boost your immune system- Yoga poses massage organs and strengthen muscles which give a boost to the immunity.

•    Gives you peace of mind- Yoga is one the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.

•    Helps in weight reduction-  Sun Salutations and Kapalbhati pranayama help in losing weight. Moreover, with regular practice, you will start to get more sensitive to the choice of your food which keeps a check on maintaining weight.

•    Improves respiration, energy, and vitality- Yoga brings deep relaxation. It removes all the blockages and smoothens the energy flow.

 "Yoga is not about the shape of your body,
                            But the shape of your life.
                          Yoga is not to be performed,
                                               But to be lived.
 Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been,
                    But the person you are becoming
Yoga is designed for vast and profound purpose
                      And for it to be truly called yoga,
                  Its essence must be truly embodied.''

Do watch the video


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