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Simple Yet Effective Tips To Be Healthy

Tips to be healthy
Value Your Health

Being healthy and fit must be on the top of our priority list. The healthier our mind and body are, the more productive we will be at our work and will able to live to the fullest.

But often health seems to us a very difficult and confusing task. In reality which is not so. Here are some simple and beneficial tips you can follow to live a more healthy and cheerful life.

  • Right Attitude 

    Even slightest change that you want to make to your life begins with changing yourself.
    Be willing to change your mind to acquire new habits that will ultimately change your life for the good. If you have affirming and positive attitude while getting fit, then success and progress would be certain.
  • Hydration

    Keeping your body hydrated is very essential to keep all the organs of the body fit.
    Start your day with glasses full of water, if possible warm water. Drink as much as you can on empty stomach.It will do wonders to your health. Have a glass of water half an hour before and after meal. Replace cold drinks and carbonated drinks with fresh fruit juices, lime water and ice cold or warm green and herbal teas.
  •  Breaking-up Meals

    Rather than having a two big meals a day ,have  4-5 meals shorter meals. It would be best to feed your stomach every 2 hours . Remember, what you feed yourself is equally important.
    Have a heavy and nutritious  breakfast, lunch followed by post lunch snacks, evening snacks and a light dinner. Following this routine will help increase the metabolism rate.
  • Physical Fitness Routine

    Make it a point to involve yourself in some sort of physical  fitness routine for atleast half and hour daily. You don't have to be too harsh on yourself . Even a simple walk done regularly can prove very beneficial. Do mild exercises, move your body and have fun or do yoga. Play sports if you like. Key is to staying motivated and doing it regularly. 
  •  Acceptance and Happiness

    Avoid seeing your body as something that needs to be changed but one thing that needs to be improved. Don’t forget that you’re an amazing person in your own way.Accept and love your self. Do more of the things that keep you happy and fit.



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