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6 Morning Rituals-Secret To Self-Confidence, Happiness, and Health

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. ” — John C. Maxwell

morning rituals for self confidence

Morning rituals are certain activities or task that are practiced on a daily basis in the morning time. These are a blend of physical and mental activities to empower us from inside which becomes the secret to self-confidence, health and vitality in our life. Morning ritual helps us rediscover productivity at the start of the day. 

Rituals are some simple tasks when performed regularly, creates a momentum within us and helps us to kickstart our day with full energy and vigor.  We begin to feel healthier, happier and more focused. It pulls away all the negativity from our mind so that we can live proactively instead of out of reaction. 
We come across some people in our daily life who are highly energetic, confident and passionate. They are definitely not born with these abilities and they possess no clear advantage over anyone else. What makes them different from others are their daily rituals.  They've made a CHOICE to be this way.

We are what we repeatedly do every day.

If you always feel miserable, unhappy,  low or living in fear, etc…it's because you’ve conditioned yourself to be that way. You have been building rituals on a daily basis that you’re not even aware of. You've literally TRAINED yourself to be this way through practice and conditioning.
This conditioning can be broken by defining new rituals and practice of these rituals consistently on daily basis will do the wonders for our body and mind. It will bring happiness & vitality to our life and also helps us become a self-confident person.

Let's just carve out the details of this precious tools -morning rituals.

1.Practice Gratitude

morning rituals for happiness

Practicing gratitude has a tremendous effect on our overall health. Take out few moments to express gratitude for anything good happened to you. It can be little things like a meet with your old friend or new opportunity that shrines your way. Being grateful makes us more optimistic and self-confident. This habit helps us to have a positive outlook on life and appreciating what we have while chasing after our goals. 

2. Drink Warm Water

Our body has gone around 8 hours without water after we wake up. Our body needs water badly at this time.  Just the way tinman needs oil to lubricate, drinking warm water goes on to lubricate our whole internal system. We can add lemon and honey to the warm water. It is an excellent way to boost the metabolism and get your body going. 

3. Rise Up Early

The practical advantages of waking up early are obvious. We get more time to reflect on ourselves and this ritual is the foundation for all other rituals as you need time to carry out all the rituals. Morning hours are the most productive hours of the day. It’s the time to get the most important things done when your energy is at the peak level.

4. Do the Affirmation

Affirming your goals is a very powerful way of crystallizing your vision and goals in life into your everyday mental space. 
An example of this would be repeating to yourself positive sentences and in the present tense like  “I am achieving greater success in my career” ,“I am becoming healthier and stronger through my exercise”, “I am becoming a self- confident and healthy person ”, “I always surround myself with happiness” . You can add your version to these affirmations. Repeating these affirmations you’ll learn to levels of gratitude and fulfillment you may have never felt before.

5. Move Your Body 

It is one of the most important morning rituals. The fastest way to change the state of the mind is through movement. It is aimed at increasing your health and vitality. Just doing a set of simple exercises changes the way we feel. Emotion is created by motion. Exercising allows us to establish some early positive vibes, which will help us approach the day with a better attitude. Yoga is one of the best workouts for body. Read more about it -Yoga for better life.

6. Schedule Your Day

Another great thing we can do is to prepare the schedule of the day in advance. It gives us a grasp of what tasks are lined up for the day ahead and it gives us control of the greater picture of what we’re working on. 

7. Meditate

Reserve some moments of silence in your life and give yourself the gift of meditation. Sit in a comfortable position for 10 minutes and focus on your breath. Sitting in silence is a great way to embrace the healing space between thoughts.


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